Archive | November 2011


Working from home on Monday’s TODAY SHOW segment with Kathie Lee and Hoda.  Always have fun time with them…even if  we’re not cocktailing which they love to do! That and tease me as they did last summer during a post July 4th spot I was doing on Red, White &Blue Cleanup. Well for some reason, which I still can’t figure out, I forgot one of my pink gloves which like my American Express Card I never leave home without. But I did.  And, during the segment I started talking with a British and then later an Italian accent…No real clue why except that without my gloves I sorta felt naked or like a ventriloquist without his dummy! Anyway I included it here for you to watch! Oh, and BTW a little trivia: according to many historians the Declaration of Independence really wasn’t signed on July 4, 1776– it was approved and then signed On August 2, 1776…another day for us to celebrate!  

Now, back to my day and  Monday’s segment  which is about MANI-CURE FRIENDLY HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING TIPS N TRICKS to minimize clean-up…I’ve got some fun ideas like using automotive wax as a pretreator on your stove –non-flammable of course …don’t wanna be too accidental!  I also have some serving suggestions that minimize clean-up, ways to get stiletto marks off your floor without bending down–cause as Joan Rivers says “If God wanted us to bend down he would have put diamonds on the floor'”, and I’m prepping some apps in my dishwasher as it’s running through the rinse cycle! Honest!  No I’m not drinking yet!!! –I call it CLEAN CUISINE and I love multi-tasking n saving time whenever I can!  I would also love for YOU to share any cool and unusual ideas and I’ll try to include them in one of my media appearances, tweets, blogs etc so pleeeze blog here LIVE FROM HYSTERIA LANE, tweet or facebook moi! Spread the glove!


Okey doke so today I realized it was time for me to let go of giving thanks for not having had to host Turkey Day courtesy of my best bud Marla.  Truly the accidental housewifely way to enjoy what is by far my favorite holiday!  I mean think about it unlike Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa and New Year’s where the race and stress is on to shop ’til we drop, balance our hearts with our pocketbooks and not gain 10 pounds nor need to join AA post January 1.  Thanksgiving is a relatively stress free holiday …even if you’re cooking and hosting. Yes, there’s the prep and clean up but let’s be honest—unless you’re Martha Stewart turkey is turkey and the day’s focus is good ole food, fun, family, friends and football. We gather to celebrate being together, stuff our bird and ourselves, we’re given a bye to lie prone and be a couch potato, AND, we’re not considered rude when the tryptophan kicks in and we start to yawn!  My gosh, it’s almost like being a baby again when it was ok to eat, drink, smile, poop and sleep LOL! Do you agree?  Think about it. . . have you ever really heard someone say how exhausted or stressed they were from Thanksgiving? Or wonder how it got by them and that they didn’t have a chance to sit back and smell the turkey? Don’t think so unless perhaps you’re our favorite TV Land bigot Archie Bunker or Curb Your Enthusiasm’s Larry David…Love to hear your thoughts and if you have an Archie or Larry types in your fam so blog with me here on LIVE FROM HYSTERIA LANE, tweet me, or facebook moi at

Meanwhile, if you’re dealing with some post turkey day stains that bind us coast to coast and slob to slob I’ve got you covered with some tips I shared on CBS Early Show.   

Or, if you need help with any other clean up or stains that remain just ask… I’m here for you!  And, BTW, the folks I work with at Tide have a mani-cure friendly, idiot proof way of dealing with some of those common turkey day stains — Tide Stain Release-just throw one of those babies in your next load and viola stains be gone! Click here to get a money saving coupon ! Til tomorrow…Spread the glove 🙂


Hey there Accidental Housewives! Happy Post Turkey Day! Can u believe it’s come and gone already and there’s only 22 days to Hanukah, 27 ‘til  ’til Xmas and 28 ‘til Kwanzaa!  OMG That means unless we hit the bottle 24/7 or become a monk we potentially could loose our sanity as we try to balance ‘celebrating’ the holidays with our pocketbooks, family commitments and lack of time we have to get it all done this time of year or for that matter any time of the year! That’s one of the reasons I decided to start this blog now since holidays push many of us to the max.  I want to help us all maintain our home, sanity and manicure and hope you’ll share your tips, tricks, rants and raves with me and our fellow housewives as we navigate life on what I lovingly call Hysteria Lane. But first  a bit on moi…that smiling lass below on her fully equipped electric broom whom came out of her broom closet a few years back to admit she was not a perfect housewife nor mother and whom decided to embrace her imperfect ways with three goals in mind…

  1. Keep health inspectors away
  2. Insure my family didn’t starve
  3. Maintain my sanity and my manicure

That led me  to approach each day with a sense of calm not angst along with a glass or two of vino or a dirty martini- which by the

Spreading the Glove with Book #2

way insures your home always looks tidy and your food tastes yummy!

Make broom for The Accidental Housewife!

So who am i? My name is Julie Edelman. I’m known by friends, family and national media as THE ACCIDENTAL HOUSEWIFE, i’m also known in close circles as The Queen of Technological Darkness since i frequently loose emails AND  send people texts meant for others -but that’s fodder for another blog and day!  Back to who I am…I appear frequently on the TODAY SHOW (in fact I’ll be on with my two buds Kathie Lee and Hoda Monday December 5th), The Doctors, Rachael Ray and am a NY Times Best Selling Author of “The Accidental Housewife” How to Overcome Housekeeping Hysteria One Task at a Time.  I am also a contributor to Scholastic’s Parent & Child IPAD app which will debut when the first December snow falls! Psyched! And, beginning January 2012 I’m launching a new blog radio show “LIVE FROM HYSTERIA LANE” for us to commiserate throughout the week and website that I’m soooo excited about since it’ll have all my sanity saving tips, tricks, rewards and gifts tied to them which you deserve big time for all you do!

Ok so your next question may be what is an accidental housewife? And how do you know if you are one? Actually pretty simple to find out:  I’ll ask you a few questions and if you answer yes or you think so to any one…well guess what then you’re an accidental housewife! And, by the way you don’t have to be married, female or with children to qualify! Here we go…

Do you do dishes?  Do you do laundry?  Are you in charge of meal time prep and planning? Have you traded in your car for an SUV? Have you ever fallen in the toilet since one of your male family members left the seat up? Do you look at Martha Stewart and wonder who has that kind of time?

Well friends, if you answered yes to any of these questions you are one of a new and very special species of housewife who no longer has to pretend, perfect or prolong their act!  You are an accidental housewife and this is your time to come out of your broom closet, embrace your fear, loathing or disinterest and celebrate you! And, in the process of blogging about what  drives you and I crazy you’re going to discover simple, real life solutions to our accidental housewifely duties and be rewarded for doing so.  We’re gonna  get rid of a lot of the crap we deal with to make our life better-we’re gonna have more time, money, and NRG AND maintain our sanity and our manicure! K this is almost longer then my first book 🙂  Time now to spread the glove and stay connected via twitter  facebook and blog with me here on LIVE FROM HYSTERIA LANE!