

Well, here I am almost 24 hours into my first official day as an empty nester and in addition to  Carly Rae Jepson’s hit single “Call Me Maybe” ringing through my head ad nauseum since   it was the official ‘move in the dorm’ song yesterday, I  found myself dealing with my new EN status by organizing my jewelry.  Twas that or imbibe mimosas to quell my pangs of this healthy moving forward period and the plethora (love that word just rolls off the tongue so nicely) of tears.  Cause yesterday we drove Luke to college to begin his freshman year.

We began our day packing (i.e. stuffing our car!)

How did we get all that in there!


Good thing i didn’t eat breakfast!!

 Then when we got there we went directly to the amazing golf facility to see his coach and look at his locker, golf bag, shoes etc. (and yes I’m a proud moma as he was recruited to play Div. One golf for his new home away from home)


all in the bag!

If the golf shoe fits . . . 🙂

Next we went to his dorm and met his roommate Nick who’s from the Chicago area and is a delightful and adorable young man whom personality wise may have been separated at birth 🙂

The Roomies!

Unpacked….Cleaned…Organized….Made his bed…(note “call your mother pillow!)

Thank god for those Sterilite rollin storage bins from Walmart!

Set up the rest of his room with Luke’s dad and Nick’s folks, Diane and Grant…

Dianne was brilliant wirin thru the ceilin…luke used his putter to help!

Made sure his ATM card worked, and once set with cash and his new life, we were given a not so subtle hint that it was time for us to as he tossed the pillow i gave him into the trash….and smiled that smile that always melts mom’s heart…

Trashin’ mom 😦

So the hugs, kisses, tears, I love yous followed by more hugs, kisses, tears  and I love yous and then our prodigal son said, ” Ok , mom you can go now, I love you but you’re starting to annoy me’….Ouch!!! Do you think our children say those kind of things to make our leaving easier…I wonder….NOT!

So off his father and I went quietly and tearfully into the sunset (actually it was pouring) to lament, have a few cocktails, and believe that all of us will be fine and individually live happily ever after.  THE END or rather THE BEGINNING!  

Which brings me back briefly to why i decided to organize my jewelry,  Actually  it’ was a great way to balance doing something tedious ‘n  simple with my inconsistent attempts of  bringing some Feng Shui into my day to day life.   But I’ll share how i did that in my next post…Meanwhile, time for a poor me, crying break.  And, Luke if you’re reading this, PLEEZE CALL ME MAYBE love u!!! xoxo

Spread the glove!


Bittersweet kinda day today…Went to Luke’s school this morning since they wanted to take photos of him signing his letter of acceptance to Bucknell University which he’ll be attending in the fall and tears came to my eyes (and continue as i write this).

Though more then proud of him and that he’ll be going to a terrif school and for him, more importantly, he’ll be the king fish on their golf team, but for me it’s pretty black and white : My not so little boy is leaving the nest…As parents we always know someday our kids will leave…someday which seems soooo so far away. Then wham bam thank you mam the years go by and they’ve gone from diapers to departing for college…And, a flood of emotions and snapshots are unleashed…And, for me one shot came to mind of Luke and I sitting in an empty kiddie pool in our backyard, reading books and laughing that simple wonderful pure, special moment kinda laugh.

One pix worth 1000 words 🙂

Another thing came to mind too…I think i’ve shared i’m divorced but fortunately Luke’s dad and i have a terrific relationship (at least if you ask me, he might have a different take!) What I haven’t shared is that he’s an amazing lyricist who wooed me during our courtship with a song that to this day remains unfinished …hmmm 🙂  At any rate last Mother’s Day he and his partner wrote an amazing song “Motherhood“. It captured then and even more so now so many of the feelings I’m experiencing and I suspect many of you will relate no matter what your child’s age is .  And, yes have some hankies within reach cause it’s gonna pull at your heartstrings in a really good way.

And, now here he is all grown up, shaving, driving, towering over me, mom and dad no longer the only centers of his universe.  He does still on occasion hug me and tell me how much he appreciates and loves me without prodding nor when he needs money so long as none of his peers are around.  And, though he’ll probably want to disown me for saying this –every nite I still go into his room (if the door’s not closed and he’s facebooking all is buds) to give him a kiss good nite.

I know a lot of parents sorta look forward to their kids leaving .  And, though I won’t necessarily miss being overloaded with his laundry; searching for his bedroom floor since it’s covered in a meritage of clothes, shoes and stuff i prefer remain anonymous (much more pleasant way to describe it and makes me think of wine me not ‘whine’ about it LOL); nor his shouting ‘mom there’s nothinng in this house to eat’… I’m gonna miss Luke BIG time …To quote Agatha Christie  “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world”. I need not say more…

So exito stage right for moi …i’m done for now… Bird‘s gotta fly and so do i …actually I’m also leaving the nest and flying south but that’s another’s day blog!  Thanks for letting me ramble,  feel free to do so back.  And, here’s the signing pix with all and Dan Brown, Athletic Coach (standing behind me). Proud we all be!! But we miss Coach Aug mucho!!

Go Bucko! Missin' the kiddie pool 🙂

And, thanks H for Luke  and a song that is tatooed on my heart. xo

Spread the glove !